Tuesday 17 April 2012

Your tax dollas paying for more vacations for Obamas

Obama in Colombia: I’m here ‘to scout out where to bring Michelle on vacation

If you were worried that First Lady Michelle Obama doesn’t spend enough time and taxpayer money on R&R, you’re not alone. The president, appearing on a panel at the Summit of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia, told those assembled:
Usually when I take these summit trips, part of my job is to scout out where I may want to bring Michelle back later for vacation. So we’ll make sure to come back sometime in the near future.

Lest readers mistake this for another of Obama’s patented howlers, a video capture shows that his comments were delivered with a straight face, and even received polite applause from the audience.
Terrence Jeffrey at CNSNews.com notes that the remarks come two days after an appearance on KMOV in St. Louis (also captured on video) in which news anchor Larry Conners tells Obama:
Some of our viewers are complaining that they get frustrated and even angered when they see the first family jetting around, different vacations and so forth, sometimes maybe they think under color of state business, and that you’re out of touch, that you don’t really know what they’re experiencing right now.
As Conners speaks, the president breaks out in a grin and chuckles indulgently, waiting for his turn to set the record straight. “Larry, Larry, ya big lug,” he seems to want to say, affectionately clocking the guy on the side of his thick skull. Instead he says:
The fact of the matter is, I think if you look at my track record, I’m raising a family here. When we travel, we’ve got to travel through Secret Service and Air Force One. That’s not my choice. I think most folks understand how hard I work and how hard this administration is working on behalf of the American people.
The saddest part is that this answer seems reasonable to him.

Orig post here:  http://hotair.com/greenroom/archives/2012/04/16/obama-in-colombia-im-here-to-scout-out-where-to-bring-michelle-on-vacation/


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